Friday, July 6, 2012

My first sewing project...

I love to make things, I long ago caught the craft bug- only in my case it's not a bug... more like a a raging feverish pandemic. Ask my husband! My crafting is, at times, a little out of control! I begged him for a sewing machine for my birthday two years ago, and I got it. Then... it sat unused (shh! I know!) for over a year. Mostly I was intimidated by it, I felt like it was a very skilled tool I would never master. So for any of you who may feel this way, I totally get it! But I'm here to tell you, it's easy AND FUN! 

I found a fabulous picture on Pinterest (where else!) of some striped curtains that I HAD TO HAVE for our new home. I searched everywhere, seriously- not to be found. So I decided to take matters into my own hands. That's right folks, I set myself to sew them! Here's how it transpired...

It started by tearing down this hot gold mess! Those were not only lined with plastic, but also on a pulley track system... Yes- it was that bad! (Thank you to the previous homeowner?? Eek!)
The gold toppers... ack, ack, ack! They were the first to go!

So, I bought a crap load of fabric 24 yards to be exact!
Enough to make the striped curtain, AND double line them.
I used my handy dandy Singer Simple to sew 12 inch alternating strips together...

Then I lined each 108" panel & steamed them...
 Then I hung them on a custom wooden rod & ring set I purchased from Lowe's...

Then a couple months later I painted, got my new sofa, made custom pillows(tutorial to come!), and finally ALMOST got the room finished! :)

Ta-da! There you have it, my very first sewing project! Turned out pretty A-OK if you ask me!